2022/02/28 11:00

If you want optimal savings on your electricity and gas bills, the best option is to
eliminate any thermal bridges inside your home to consume the minimum amount of energy, without sacrificing efficient HVAC.
Thermal bridges are points located on the walls or ceilings of the house that, due to characteristics of the material itself, deterioration or some other reason give rise to specific areas that facilitate the entry and exit of the air from the outside to the interior of the property.
The presence of these thermal bridges in any space implies that to achieve the ideal indoor temperature, the home's HVAC devices such as air conditioning or radiators have to work harder until the optimum temperature is achieved. This means that not only is there an increase in kWh (kilowatts per hour) consumed on your electricity and gas bills, but also it contributes to environmental deterioration above the inevitable levels derived from the use of these devices.